15/17 Suny Jigide Street, By Celestial Way, Ogudu Lagos.
Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
15/17 Suny Jigide Street, By Celestial Way, Ogudu Lagos.
Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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11 Aug, 2022
Posted by omoniyicorepower
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4 Benefits of Smart Home Automation Systems

Each day, we have a lot of things to do, and we frequently miss some crucial tasks. We occasionally struggle to finish our daily to-do lists because they are too overwhelming to handle on our own. Imagine how lovely it would be if we had a smart home automation systems installed in our home that could fill in this space and make sure we finish our daily to-do list.

A smart home automation system will help to reduce your energy consumption while you save money. For example, you can configure your smart home system to turn off lights and appliances like air conditioners when not in use.

Additionally, You can delegate tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and laundry, to the smart home system. As a result, you will have more time to rest and attend to other pressing matters.

Keep reading if you want to know how to turn your home into a smart home.


What is a smart home system?

A smart home system enables users to monitor and manage their home devices and appliances remotely.

Additionally, the smart home system is connected to your home gadgets and appliances through the internet to automate some operations and manage how your home responds to various changing conditions, like temperature, daylight, intrusion, fire accidents, and more.

Likewise, Smart home automation systems are used to program sprinklers, configure and monitor surveillance security systems, monitor and control appliances like air conditioning, refrigerator, and lighting. Home automation is another term for smart home systems.


What are the benefits of a smart home system?

Now that you are familiar with what a smart home system is, let’s quickly go over some of the reasons why you need a smart home system:

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1. It helps to provide comfort


smart home systems and smart home automation

Almost everyone wants more comfort and convenience, but due to our enormous daily to-do list, we can’t experience the level of comfort and convenience we desire.

A good way to enjoy more comfort is by getting an automatic assistant to help us with some tasks.

A smart home automation system allows you to control when and how you want your home devices to operate. It also allows you to operate and monitor your home devices remotely.

You can address threats like unsecured doors or forgotten electric cookers left on remotely with the aid of a smart home system.


2. It saves energy and money


smart home systems and smart home automation

Energy and financial savings are additional advantages of adopting a smart home. A smart home system does not automatically save energy, but users can configure the system to help conserve energy.

Smart home appliances, including smart locks, smart TVs, smart lamps, and smart thermostats, can be programmed to turn on and operate at specific times. As a result, you can easily control your energy usage and save money.


3. It provides security and safety

smart home systems and smart home automation

Another factor contributing to the rapid growth in smart home usage is security and safety. A smart home system is interconnected to portable devices (usually smartphones or tablets).

Therefore, users get notifications and are alerted to safety and security issues remotely.

You get alerts for leaving your front door open, for smoke, for devices you left unplugged, for people who come to your doors even when you are away from home.


4. It helps to handle regular household tasks


smart home systems and smart home automation

It gives you more time to rest and attend to other pressing matters when you have an automatic assistant to help you handle some household tasks.

See also  Turn Your Existing House into an Automated Smart Home with Core-Power Engineers

Some chores like cleaning, cooking, washing, and laundry can be delegated to your smart home system.



A smart home automation system is a good investment that helps to save energy and provide comfort, security, and safety.

Some popular smart home products are smart bulbs, smart thermostats, smart fire alarms, smart doorbells, smart speakers, etc.

Choosing the ideal system to integrate your home appliances and devices and allow them to function as a single unit might be difficult when setting up a smart home system.

This is why you need to hire experienced and licensed professionals to handle this project for you.

Looking for qualified professionals to handle your smart home systems and other electrical projects? Contact Core-Power Limited today or call +234(0)9130003339.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are smart home systems expensive?
No, smart home solutions are not expensive. You can find a smart home system that fits your budget from the various smart home products in the market.

2. Is the smart home easy to set up?
Setting up a smart home is very easy, but getting the best system to unify your home appliances and devices and enable them to work together is one of the challenges many homeowners face.

Hire Core-Power Limited’s accredited professionals to assist you in handling this.

3. Can I use smart home technology for business?
Yes, smart home technology is good for business. Business owners can use the smart home system to control their conference systems, security surveillance systems, a range of smart home systems, and fire alarm systems.

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